Your Interest Hive

In the mid 1950s American scientist Dr John L. Holland (Making Vocational Choices: A Theory of Vocational Personalities and Work Environments (Holland, J.L., 1997)) came up with a hexagonal structure of interests.

According to Dr Holland, there are six vocational personality types. These six types are:

Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional.

According to Dr Holland, most individuals can be described by one or more of these six personality types or popularly known as R-I-A-S-E-C.

His theory proposes that corresponding to R-I-A-S-E-C there are six work environments and that people seek out work environments that match their personality types.

The better the match individuals make, the more satisfied they will be with their job.



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Inner Drive

Occupation Listing